Hybrid Body Frame for Military Vehicles

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HYBRID BODY FRAME FOR MILITARY VEHICLES Introduction 1. In a world of soaring oil prices hybrid cars are eco-friendly alternatives to conventional gasoline cars. Driving hybrid cars reduces greenhouse emissions and also reduces our dependence on oil and petroleum. Hybrid cars require special body and frames for their optimum performance. These body frames are made light weight to provide a better body to weight ratio to the Hybrid vehicle Aim 2. To study the feasibility of Hybrid body frames for military vehicles by studying the various hybrid body frames made by different manufacturers. Sequence a. Introduction to the Aluminum frames b. Audi space frame (Hybrid) c. Ford aluminum space frame design analysis d. Hybrid military vehicles e. Feasibility of hybrid body frames for military vehicles f. Conclusions Aluminum Frames 1. The automobile and aluminum became commercially viable at about the same time in the late years of the 19th century; there are references to the use of the latter in the former from their very beginnings. Although steel is preferred by most automakers, in recent years changing fuel economy and recycling regulations have intensified weight-reduction attempts by automakers. Aluminum offers the ideal engineering solution: Its density is one-third that of steel and satisfies the torsion and stiffness requirements of an automotive material. However, aluminum by weight is about five times more expensive than steel. 2. The use of large amounts of aluminum in mass-produced cars, as distinct from expensive, low-volume models, has been frequently predicted but as yet has not come about. The only way aluminum can displace steel with any significance is when aluminum sheet replaces steel as the primary material in the chassis or the body of the car. During the past decade, vehicle manufacturers have repeatedly

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