Hunting Snake Essay

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Judith Wright uses a variety of methods to convey her feelings about the snake and nature. This feelings include, awe, amazement, love and fear. The poem Hunting Snake is about nature and culture, symbolised by the snake. The setting in the poem ‘Hunting Snake’ is very natural. This brings nature closer to her and brings more beauty and splendour into the poem. The author uses words such as “late season’s grace.” And “autumn’s gentlest sky” to shower her love of nature. She personifies the seasons by describing it as having “grace”, “Grace” is a very soft positive word usually used to describe dancers which makes the seasons seem more alive and energetic. She then describes autumn as “gentle” which makes the season more caring and motherly. The author then proceeds to show her feelings of awe of the snake with words such as “great black snake” “diamond scale” and “quested”. “Great” makes the snake seem much larger and more powerful. “Diamond scale”, the snake shed’s its scales very often, this shows that even the parts the snake sheds are valuable, rare and beautiful. “Quested” personifies the snake and makes it seem more human which links back to the power of the snake. On the other hand, the author also uses words such as “fierce intent” and “Cold, dark” to show her fear of the snake. “Fierce intent” makes the snake seem much more dangerous and sinister which is how snakes are normally seen. “Cold, dark” are very negative words and makes the snake seem evil and dangerous. Contradicting words such as “great black snake” and “cold, dark and splendid” shows the authors contrasting feelings as well. She can’t decide whether or not the snake is good or bad. “The great black snake” the harsh ‘t’ and ‘k’ sounds emphasis the point that it is great but it is dark. “Cold, dark and splendid” are two very negative words followed by a very positive word. It shows how

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