Hunting in Tierra Del Fuego: Survival Guide

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Wissam Potros Tyler Thompson English 109 14 October 2013 Hunting in Tierra del Fuego: Survival Guide Tierra del Fuego is an 18,000-square-mile island on the edge of the world. Tierra del Fuego is littered with different types of ecosystems. With an unstable weather, Antarctic waters, and peat bogs that can swallow men to death, every inch of terrain is potentially deadly. It’s located at the tail of end the planet earth. It’s cold, it’s wet, and it’s windy; strike one, strike two, strike three and you’re out. This is a sporadically inhabited environment that traps hunters tracking small game in the traditional way. People come to Argentina to Black-Powder hunt. However, the problem with that is adrenaline takes your body over, takes your mind over, and you make mistakes. If you get injured or lost in an area like this, it’s a setup for death. If you were in an environment like this, where you’re lost and away from civilization and you somehow fell off a cliff and you cut your hand there’s several steps you can follow for your survival. Scavenging Take stock of any gear that might benefit your survival. If you were a hunter and you had a traditional rifle, that tool might come handy for your survival. Check your backpack for anything that will help you survive throughout the journey. However, never take stuffs that might become an obstacle for you where if it’s too heavy or cause an injury. Gather supplies, food, and water nearby you before heading out in the unforgivable terrain because it’s a very remote environment. Even throughout your movement, if you find little things like bones would become handy for you because there are multiple things to do with bones. They were used thousands of years ago, and you can use these things for anything from a tool to do repairs with on the any equipment or you can make trap triggers out of them. Anything you

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