Human Impacts on This World

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Imagine a world without fresh water or one where trash covers the grass. That could be the view of our future if nothing changes. Only two point five percent of all water on this world is fresh water. Of that two point five percent, only one percent is available to us. Water will be the least of our problems, when there is a black sky above us. Every year, eight point eight billion tons of carbon is released into the atmosphere. Deforestation has an enormous impact on the world too. We cannot change the past, but there is still hope for the future. Fresh water is essential to life. Unfortunately, fresh water may become a scare resource in the future. Seventy one percent of earth’s surface is water-covered. Surprisingly, we are getting so little fresh water because of the illegal dumping, diminishing of landfill space, litter, overproduction of synthetic materials, and radioactive waste. Thankfully the National Resource Defense Center (NRDC) experts are helping us, trying to secure safe and sufficient water. By defending the Clean Water Act, which ensures that the water we do have is fresh and clean, and pushing for solutions to get more water available to us, they are helping our world become a cleaner world. Although people are less aware to the concerns of water, global warming has been a struggle for years. It can be a big concern for people because studies show humanity dumps roughly eight point eight billion of fossil fuels in the atmosphere and one point five billion is from deforestation. Lester R. Brown wrote in his book Plan B 4.0 Mobilizing to save civilization, “The earth’s temperature is rising. It has gone up zero point six degrees Celsius since nineteen seventy, and it is projected to rise by up to six degrees Celsius by the end of the century.” Deforestation has had a huge impact on our clean air. Pollution and degradation is from animal manure

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