Essay On Drilling In Alaska

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ENG102 Argumentation Essay Oil Drilling in Alaska To Drill or Not To Drill In your reading you will find the reasons for oil drilling and reasons for not drilling for oil in Alaska. The oil is very much needed in order to survive in this country. They would not need to use all of the land that is provided for the U.S. There are also consequences for drilling on this land. There are also new ways of drilling for the oil. Some of the ways you may think good and some you make think that are bad. With the drilling taking place this will lead to some relief from the government. There were also steps taken to prevent an upset and steps that cause an upset to the wildlife when drilling in Alaska. Out of the 17.5 million acres they will only use about 1.5 million acres. Then out of the 1.5 million acres only 2000 of that will be used when drilling for the oil. The platforms that are put down for the drilling are along a less delicate part of the land. These platforms are made to tap into reserves on the…show more content…
These things are much needed in our country and it will limit the cost of foreign oil. We should limit our dependence on foreign goods and services and put our people back in the work field. But don’t take my advice; you make your decision, to drill or not to drill? References The Pioneer; (February 26, 2009). Oil drilling in Alaska will help save economy: By Fong, Bryant; Retrieved May 12, 2010 from Environment 360; (November 17, 2008). Offshore Drilling in Alaska; By Williams, Margaret; Retrieved May 12, 2010 from
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