Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Debate

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Human Embryonic Stem cell research (hESC), a highly controversial topic, has the potential to end thousands of people fall victim from diseases that are preventable. Although it seems to be a great research with remarkable outcomes, their is a dark side to it. While Trying to obtain these astonishing results and advance medical treatments, embryos will ultimately be sacrificed throughout the process. In other words, abortion will occur while seeking the solution to cure diseases. Thus creating a huge debate in the public world, and many ethical decisions to whether (hESC) is morally wrong. Considering Human Embryonic Stem cell research today's Pandora's box, the benefits of embryonic stem cell research outweigh the moral costs because of the…show more content…
Well as been said before, abortion has to occur when researching human embryonic stem cells. Where abortion is such a hot topic that politicians are hesitant to take either side, the process of searching for the next big cure has encountered many problems. Scott Kusendorg, author of Moral Objections to Embryonic Stem Cell Research, clearly describes the hard truth about Embryonic stem cell research. "First, you must kill the embryo to harvest its stem cells. If the embryo is a human person, killing it to benefit others is a clear-cut evil. It treats a distinct human being, with his or her own inherent moral worth, as nothing more than a disposable instrument to be used for someone else's benefit." Although, what Scott Kusendorg states is true, he doesn't clarify the diseases many people around the world suffer. With a wide range of diseases around the world,cancer continues to be a major disease for those in developed countries. The numbers for those that are dying of cancer in the world are increasing. 2007 was one of the last years recorded, and 7.9 million people died of cancer. That number is slated to increase to 11.5 million by the year 2030. Not only can embryonic stem cell cure diseases such as cancer, but as matter of fact, Embryonic stem cells may also cure Spinal cord injuries, Diabetes, Heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, Lung diseases, Arthritis, Sickle cell anemia, and also organ failure. With these diseases preventable, it's possible to save billions of lives around the world. So now knowing the potential to change the face of human disease and alleviate suffering, is Embryonic Stem Cell research really worth debating
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