Hula Dancing Research Paper

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Chelsea Aichinger Dance History Final Paper Hula Dancing This historically sacred dance is unique with its chants and costumes. The training, because of its religious background, was very strict. Each movement from Hula dancing has a particular significance and different parts of the body symbolize plants, animals, and other parts of nature. No one is really sure the origination of Hula dancing, but it is said that Hula dancing is an expressive form of Hawaii. The costumes they wore consisted of leis made of flowers around the neck. Sometimes, the leis were worn around the shoulders as well. On the bottom, a grass skirt was worn. This was made out of tapa, also known as a pau. Dancers also work jewelry made of plants, shells and feathers.…show more content…
The movements of the hands are very important because they are the imitations of a palm tree, war, plants, and even animals. When dancing the hula, you are transforming yourself mentally into the object you are imitating throughout the dance. Chants also appear with the hula dance. When the hula was first introduced, the chants were the most important aspect. Now, that has all changed and the movements are most important. While he old style hula dancing was more ritualistic, and the new style hula dancing was more entertaining, they were both fun to…show more content…
It will always be one of the most popular forms of dance. When missionaries arrived in Hawaii in the eighteen hundreds, hula dancing almost disappeared. The missionaries were convinced that this form of dance was devilish and against God. They tried to persuade the dancers that it was wrong and that they should not perform such movements anymore. Nonetheless, King Kalakaua took a stand. He did no want the long-established dance of the islands to vanish because of a misunderstanding. The missionaries did not understand what the hula was all about. King Kalakaua took
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