Huck Finn Analysis

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In Mark Twain’s novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain expresses how society is represented in the 1800’s, when slavery is at a high. Huck Finn is a mere productivity of his community, which is crude, coarse, and hypocritical. Throughout his adventures along side a runaway slave named Jim; he learns a momentous lesson about life. The adventure Huck partakes in with Jim consists of floating down the Mississippi River by raft in hope of reaching Cairo, Illinois. Before Huck embarks on his life-changing adventure, he is surrounded by people who influence him greatly in his hometown of St. Petersburg. One of Huck’s most significant influences is Tom Sawyer, another rebellious young boy who is much like Huck. Tom has previously convinced Huck to participate in petty pranks on fellow townspeople. Huck’s beliefs by upbringing are that of ignorance and hypocrisy. His society believes that colored people have no human rights, and are thought to be pieces of property traded or used as slaves for labor. This idea has influenced Huck from a young age to believe that colored people are not considered equal to white individuals, often causing him to have strong disagreements with Jim along their journey. “I see it warn’t no use wasting words — you can’t learn a nigger to argue. So I quit.” Huck makes it seem as if robbers murder him during a break in, so he can run away from his hometown to escape his drunken father and the life he feels unsuited for. Jim runs away due to overhearing his owner, who is also Huck’s guardian, talk about selling Jim. Huck and Jim come upon one another’s presence on an island near St. Petersburg to seek temporary refuge; starting the beginning of their journey. As the adventure down the Mississippi River begins, Jim’s impression on Huck starts to change. Huck gradually learns to accept Jim as a friend, although he will not admit it. As

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