Hsc24 Unit 5 Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care

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Unit 5: Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care 1.1 The definitions of abuse are: Physical: Slapping, kicking, hitting, pinching, burning, scalding, restraining someone, misuse of medication, and leaving someone in soiled clothing or bedding. Sexual: When someone does not give free willing consent to a sexual act, children can consent nor can someone who has a limited capacity or understanding. Emotional/Psychological: Bullying, shouting, swearing, humiliation, coercion, not allowing someone to have contact with others, lack of privacy, lack of dignity, humiliation. Financial: Exploiting someone for financial gain, theft, fraud, coercion in regard to will, property or financial payments. Institutional: Freedom is limited by the institution, mealtimes and bedtimes are set by the institution, privacy and dignity are not respected, advice and advocacy are restricted or denied, overuse of sedation and medication, and not be able to utilise the complaints procedure. Self-Neglect: When a vulnerable person chooses to neglect themselves, infirmity, physical illness, disability, drug and alcohol misuse. Neglect by Others: Not providing adequate care, food, heating, cleanliness, and healthcare support. 1.2 Some of the signs of physical abuse are unexplained bruising, fractures or finger marks. Scalds or cigarette burns, loss of weight. Some of the signs of sexual abuse are recurrent urinary infections, sexually abusing someone else, acting provocatively, an unwillingness to undress for activities such as swimming or bathing. Some of the signs of emotional abuse are when an individual appears to be reluctant to be in the care of someone. Being referred to by an individual in a disrespectful or teasing manner. Some of the signs of financial abuse could be lacking personal possessions, struggling to pay for day
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