Hsc 038 Essay

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Summarise the main points of legal requirement and codes of practise for handling information in health and social care The Human Rights Act 2000 Article 8: the right to respect for private and family life; Everybody has the right to have respect for their private and family life. The right to a private life includes the right for all of our personal information, medical notes, photographs and anything else personal to ourselves keep safe and protected by confidentiality. Only in certain circumstances can private information be let out and that is if someone or the public is in danger. Data Protection Act 1998 This act is in place to protect the rights of individual’s information and how it is processed, disclosed and destroyed. It applies to information that is held in letters/writing or on computerised records these include things such as x-rays, photographs, CCTV images telephone calls etc. This act therefore requires security to retain the confidentiality and integrity of personal or sensitive data and it insures that all this information stays in contact for as long as it is needed. The Children Act 2004 This act insures that organisations have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. Sharing information between care agencies helps them work more efficiently and effectively but as always it must comply with the laws relating to confidentiality, data protection and human rights. The safeguarding boards use the Children Act to develop policies and procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of the child or young person. The Health and Social Care Act 2008 This act gives the state of Health the power to authorise health and social care service providers to disclose information about people in the interests of improving patient care or in the wider public interest. Records Management: NHS Code of Practice
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