Hrm/531 Career Development Plan

2008 Words9 Pages
Career Development Plan Summary Caroline Brightenburg 531/Human Resource Management July 27, 2010 Michael Kanda Career Development Plan Summary Every company needs to have in place a career development plan. This plan is basically an outline that guides the company in the steps that are necessary to hire and to enhance the qualification of existing employees. In this paper I will put together a detailed career development plan that will be useful for Kudler Fine Foods. Kudler Fine Foods was established in 1998 by Kathy Kudler. Kathy Kudler created Kudler Fine Foods to provide a unique brand of quality organic foods for the communities in California. The first Kudler Fine Foods store began operations in La Jolla (Kudler, 2003).…show more content…
The management team recommends that an outside training culinary consultant assist in providing the recommended training. The proposed budget for this training is $20,000.00. The training will equip the new staff with the tools they need to be successful in their new role, as well as, enhance the skills and knowledge of the current work staff. It is imperative that the restructuring is in line with the goals, value, and mission statement of Kudler Fine Foods. To ensure that employees are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and ability to perform the job, a job assessment will be implemented. The purpose of the job assessment is to provide the management team with data on each team member to respectively target needed skill development. After determining these factors, selected mentors will be assigned the task of brining the mentee up to the necessary skills needed. Each team associate and manager is required to provide 100% of their time and effort into making this a…show more content…
In addition to providing fine high quality organic foods, a specialized staff must be retained and trained to meet the demands of this growing establishment. The management team is sure that the financial structure of Kudler Fine Foods can support the additional new positions, as well as, provide the necessary training needed to fulfill each job task related to the job description. The employee will be encouraged to provide a team work environment; while understanding the importance of facilitating individual equity, discouraging social loafing, and accepting the fact, that all employees have a growing interest in the success of this organization. With the support of Kathy Kudler, Encinitas can increase sales opportunities and increase the buying power of the community. In conclusion, Kudler Fine Foods needs to follow the above career plan in order to be successful in this type of market. When following a well developed career plan, a company has the possibility to grow and to succeed. When you really think about it, a well developed career plan is the backbone of any company. References Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition, Advertising, marketing, Promotions, Public Relations, and Sales Managers (visited July 23, 2010). Kudler Fine Foods (2003). Strategic
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