How to Watch Your Brother Die

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Gary-James Gunnarson English 2 Professor Karen Rose In “How to Watch your Brother Die” by Michael Lassell, is about a narrator's brother dies from AIDS and how the narrator had shunned his brother out of his life due to his brother's chosen lifestyle. The brother's death is symbolic in galvanizing the narrator's perspective to accepting this once taboo lifestyle that he had never understood or had taken the effort to acknowledge. The narrator's sense of rejection is felt throughout the beginning of the poem. The narrator is placed into an awkward moment of events that he ins't able to comprehend until the end of the poem. The narrator isn't the only individual mentioned in the poem who's resistant to the brother's lifestyle,“Call your wife on the telephone. /Tell her “He hasn’t much time. /I’ll be home soon.” / Before you hang up, say “How could anyone’s commitment be deeper than a husband and wife?” / Hear her say, “Please, I don’t want to all the details” (Lines, 51-56), these lines in the poem signify how the narrator has vilified his brother to the point to where his own wife doesn't want to have any idea and or information as to what's going on. As the sequence of events slowly transitions in the poem, the narrator gradually begins to feel not only guilty, but responsible for not being there for his brother until the very last minute of his life. The brother is never given an actual voice in,”How to Watch Your Brother Die” instead we are taken on the gradual journey of the brother dying from AIDS and how the narrator tries to find some justification not only for his brother's lifestyle but in his own life as well. This poem was written in the mid 1980's at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, which was sweeping the gay community. “Overhear two
mourners say, "I wonder who'll be next?" and"I don't care anymore, as long as it isn't you."” (Lines 80-84)
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