How to Summarize an Article

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How to do a summary A summary should demonstrate that you understand the content. It is important that you communicate that clearly. The length of a summary is always shorter than the original text and you summarize the text using your own words. Your task is to find a news article and do a summary on it as well as make own comments. Guidelines * First step is to read the text and grasp what it is about. * Divide the text into smaller sections and do a close reading. This means that you read it carefully, locate and understand the author’s main ideas. * Mark key facts and topic sentences that you want to refer to. * Now it is time for you to write! Introduce the summary with a sentence that mentions the author and the title of the article as well as the name of the magazine or website where the article was published. Example: In the article “Testing the Human Spirit”, published in Marie Claire, Sept. 15, 2005, Jane Franklin says that… Or According to author Jane Franklin in her article “Testing the Human Spirit” (Marie Claire, September15, 2005),... * Use your own words when stating the presented ideas. Remind your readers that you are summarizing what someone else has written by using the author’s name or pronouns like he or she when stating ideas. Make sure that you refer clearly. Your summary should be understandable to someone who has not read the original article. The conclusion of the summary briefly presents the results of the article. When you have summarised the article that’s when you are going to share your opinions on it. So you write a paragraph where you share your thoughts and reflection on the article. * Do NOT put your own ideas and opinions into the summary. You respond to the summary afterwards. * Do not forget to include the author and the title of the article in the

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