How to Protect Our Environment

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Instruction: Write about the air, the land,the water, and everything else around you. Describe what is healthful about your environment. Describe any pollution you notice. Give ways to solve these problems. Air--The air that leaves a person's lungs during exhalation contains 14% oxygen and 4.4% carbon dioxide. Atmospheres with oxygen concentrations below 19.5 percent can have adverse physiological effects, and atmospheres with less than 16 percent oxygen can become life threatening. Water (H2O)is a fluid compound composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. 10 Things You Can Do For Clean Air Air - Problems Solve 1. Modify Your Transportation --- Your car is a significant source of air pollution, so switching to a more gas-efficient vehicle will be a big help. See How You Can Improve Transportation for several more tips which will improve air quality. 2. Conserve Energy --- Your home energy consumption translates into air pollution, therefore any energy conservation or efficiency improvements you make will help. See 21 Ways You Can Save Energy for tips. 3. Reduce Waste --- Manufacturing of unnecessary or disposable goods often produces air pollution, so reduced purchasing of disposables will help. In general, follow the solid waste mantra - "Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle" - and this will reduce air pollution as well from transporting, treating, or disposing of unnecessary wastes. See Waste Reduction Tips. 4. Eliminate Toxic Chemical Use at Home --- A surprising number of household or home shop chemicals are toxic and volatile. Many release vapors into the air, inside the home and out. This can be serious health threat to your family, and contributes to community-wide levels of air pollutants. See Non-Toxic Household Products. 5. No Burn Barrels --- Northeast Wisconsin communities need

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