how to listen to music

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How to Listen to Music – Corrected Many people love music regardless of what they listen to; it could be hip-hop, classical, rock or disco. Or does it? I can say from my experience, the majority of people I know are not listening to more than two styles of music. Why is that so common? To tell you the truth –People do not know how to listen to different music styles. Those who live in the world of hip-hop or rap, will probably not enjoy heavy-metal or classical music, because they will hear noise and not music. Think about it; this could be important in your life, because your new friends could take you to a rock concert, but your school wants you to sit into a classical concert. I grew up in Europe, where we can hear many styles in radio, but I never listened to rock, before I turned eleven years old. My sister introduced rock and the first steps – which I will write about in the next paragraphs - and later I did this to other styles too. She told me those things what I will tell now, and I hope music lovers will understand it in the same way as I did. Now I always ask myself, “What could others like in this?" In the beginning a music lover should put himself in a good mood, and allow the music to take him away. Try to imagine how the band will “blow up the stage” or how rappers flow and nod their heads to hip-hop. Try to “copy their feelings’. Be open minded! After mastering the first steps, think about that; there is a big difference between listening and hearing music. If we listen, then we only recognize what we are listening to, but do not “feel” it. We can say, “It goes in your left ear and comes out from the right”, so it doesn’t stick in our minds. Most people can’t distinguish between listening and hearing; as a result they will only turn up the volume, but still not hear what comes out of the speakers. After being in the right mood to accept
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