How To Grow Zucchini

763 Words4 Pages
HOW TO GROW GREY ZUCCHINIS Introduction • Planting a vegetable garden and growing fresh vegetables for your table is a good idea. It is not only inexpensive but also is a good activity for your health because in 45 minutes of gardening you burn as many calories as 30 minutes of aerobics. In addition, growing vegetables is very easy; in three simple steps you can learn, how to grow grey zucchini. • The Grey Zucchini is a vegetable that has a speckled grey color, with cylindrical bulbous shape that grows in California during the spring and summer seasons. It is a source of vitamins C, potassium and magnesium. Each grey zucchini plant takes six weeks to grow and produces about 30 fruits per plant of approximately seven inches long. First step is prepared the soil • The soil is an important subject in the process in growing a grey zucchinis. There are three types of soil: sandy, loam, and clay. To know that kind of soil you have in your garden you can make a test for that. Take one inch ball of soil in your hand then rub the soil between your fingers if the soil feels grainy and loose you have sandy soil. If the soil is smooth, slick, partially grainy, and forms a ball that crumbles easily probably you have a loam soil. If the soil is smooth, and sticky you have clay soil. • No matter what kind of soil you have, you must have to improve your soil beds with compost, either your own or purchased. To prepare the compost you only need a soil conditioner, bagged chicken compost, and a packet of worm castings. For each 50 square foot garden space, you need to add seven cubic foot of compost mix. Also add about five pounds of crab meal for every 50 square foot bed. Now your soil will be ready to plant the seeds. Second step plant the grey zucchini seeds • Tilling the soil should be worked to a depth of at least six inches. The holes should have been dug at

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