Borocoli Essay

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Report 1 Broccoli Brassica oleracea italic Broccoli Today people are trying to find a way to healthier and finding good vegetables is a great way to improve their diet. Along with this trend, one vegetable has gained popularity rapidly. It is broccoli. In the category of most healthy vegetables, broccoli is ranked at the top. You might have heard of it before. Although it became popular in the United Stated after 1920s, its history is longer than you thought. This information on broccoli will explain in detail about its history, the way it is used, and its nutritional value. Botanical Information The botanical name of broccoli is Brassica oleracea italic. The word, Broccoli, is derived from the Italian word ‘brocco’ which means arm or branch. It has various common names depending on the region and culture; it is named brocks, calabrese and it was referred to as ‘Italian asparagus when it first was introduced in England and the United states. Broccoli is in the cabbage family, brassicaceae. The Brassicaceae family contains well-known species such as Brassica oleracea (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc), Brassica sativus (common radish), and many others. In the same species broccoli closely resembles cauliflower. Both plants‘ flower and stalk are used for food. The outstanding difference is color; cauliflower is white in color with light green leaves, whereas broccoli is dark green. Area of Origin and History Broccoli is native to the eastern Mediterranean and Asia Mira. It is known that it evolved from a cabbage from the ancient Etruscans, who were considered to be horticultural geniuses. Since the Roman Empire, it has been considered valuable food among Italians; broccoli is one of the most popular vegetables in Italy. This is the reason why it was named ‘Italian broccoli’ when it was first introduced. Broccoli was introduced to England and the

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