How to Catch a Little Bear

705 Words3 Pages
Dan Pund TRE 089 Word Count: 704 Informative Essay How to Catch a Little Bear First and foremost I will say that if you are fortunate enough to ever cross paths with a little bear you should consider yourself to be a very lucky man that has been blessed with a true gift. These rare, beautiful, creatures are free spirited and very intelligent. They are not to be caught by force but rather by attraction. Never to be kept in a cage or on a leash but allowed to come and go as they please. They love to sleep and are pretty good at it. They tend to stay up pretty late at night and sleep most of the day. They don’t have much use for people and would prefer to avoid most of them if possible. Your best chance to have an encounter with one is definitely going to be at night. Do not use trickery or deception while attempting to gain the little bears trust. She must come to you on her own and any tricks or lies will only scare her off. Persistence is what one needs if he ever hopes to befriend one of these magnificent creatures. They are very smart creatures that do not warm up to anyone that has not put forth a dedicated and persistent effort. Once their guard is down and they are somewhat comfortable in your presence, then feeding the little bear should be attempted. I have learned that they love carne asada burritos and vitamin water with a splash of vodka. Only after you have acquired these items should you attempt to feed one. They are prone to hang over’s when cheap vodka has been ingested, so I would advise one to use a good brand of vodka like Sky or Grey Goose to avoid the dangers of a hung over bear. If she is not displeased with your company or choice of vodka, then you have succeeded in befriending her and can look forward to her coming around frequently. More than likely at this point she is only coming around looking for a

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