More animal species are becoming endangered or extinct as a result of global warming.” “The carbon emissions, pollution and human health problems that have resulted directly from the Industrial Revolution’s accomplishments have only been disastrous for the world environment. For example the increase of the production in the textile industry, iron and steel and the steam power. As a result, many people died cause of too much smoke spread in the air. Another example according to the reading, air and water pollution came from coal burning, as well as most stages in the production of metals and basic chemicals. Moreover, “The advent of the steam locomotive and railroad also saw the start of major pollution caused by big business, which is all too often seen today.
These activities have distorted the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases – primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide (EPA, The Climate). What is the cause of global warming and if it serious what is being done to end it. What will be the effects on earth if global warming continues, and last but not least what is occurring around us at this very moment from global warming? Many of these questions are being asked by scientist and are being researched to find more plausible answers and predictions for us. Global warming is found to be caused by the greenhouse effect.
Eaarth Chapters 1 & 2 We’ve changed the planet. Global warming is no longer philosophical or future threat but instead a current and very real threat. The changes made to our planet are more evident in the toughest parts of the planet, and climate change is wrecking the lives of thousands daily. We need to consider the world we’ve created and how to live in it. We need to figure out what part of our lives we must forego and what ideologies we must abandon so that we can protect our societies and our civilizations.
Case study: Does human activity lead to animal extinction? By shamya Sylvester (Ms Bugtti) In this case study I will be answering the question, does human activity lead to animal extinction? I chose this question because I think that it is important that this topic is addressed and people are informed about the effects humans have on the planet. Extinction is the process or event that causes species to die out. There are many different reasons why extinction happens, some of these cause are natural but the majority of them are due to human activity such as deforestation and an increased amount of fossil fuels being used which then leads to global warming.
What is a climate flip-flop? Climate change is popularly understood to mean Greenhouse Warming, which, it is predicted, will cause flooding, severe windstorms, and killer heat waves. But warming could lead, paradoxically, to drastic cooling -- a catastrophe that could threaten the survival of civilization. As William H. Calvin writes in “The Great Climate Flip-Flop”,”. We should be concerned about this phenomenon because we never know when the climate may change again it may be cold one minute then next it may be so hot that it may be unbearable to stand.
If ongoing pollution cannot be reduced, then the climate is just going to keep getting worse day by day. As a result, not only will a single nation be suffering, but also the entire planet will change due to global warming. Of course, if people can make efficient adaptation plans to control the ongoing global warming and climate change, in the future it can prevent the threat of global warming and many other climate change issues. After all, the consciousness that man could alter the climate of Earth has dawned slowly on their awareness. Work Cited Begley, Sharon.
The raise of the temperature has been affecting humans and animals. Glaciers started to melt really fast which is affecting the animals that live in the north/south pole. Hydrofracking will make us alot of money and would let us to make our own natural gas and wouldnt have to get it from somewhere else but we are harming our environment we havent going to last here if we keep messing with
Should Australia go Nuclear? Unless you live under a stone, you’ll be aware that we have a very serious problem with global warming, most of which occurs because of the burning of fossil fuels like coal to produce energy. As a result of these concerns, there is a really important debate currently underway about what kind of energy Australia should have in the future, fossil fuel, renewable energy or nuclear? Nuclear energy was on the discussion table a few years ago but recently it has surfaced again due to global warming. One of the greatest advantages of nuclear power is that it avoids the wide variety of environmental problems arising from burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil.
The Globe is losing its Cool Global Warming Melissa Moran University of Phoenix Axia collage Professors name SCI 275 October 21, 2009 There are many reasons for the change in the climate. Climate change also known as global warming is the change in the average temperature of the earth surface, and the change in wind and precipitation. Global warming is caused by releasing fossil fuels into the atmosphere. Many factors such as human activity and greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global warming. Global warming also has natural causes though they are often down-played in the media.
But how big of an impact do humans really pose? Is Earth just on a cycle of events that is in no way correlated to mankind? Many changes in the last century are beginning to make people wonder just how we are affecting the Earth; and are these changes going to make us better off, or hinder us in the future? Greenhouse Gas Emissions The most notable change is the increase in greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are mostly comprised of carbon dioxide and methane.