How Important Was the Role of the Media During the Vietnam War

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The Vietnam War has been the first televised war in all of history. It was also the biggest war to be protested on. The war began in mid-1965, when Lyndon Johnson, the 36th President of the United States sent a large number of US combat troops to Vietnam. It was the beginning of the biggest story that television has ever covered. The war began due to North Vietnam being a communist country, while the US wanted to prevent a communist country taking over the south part of Vietnam. The media played an important role in the war, as the media brought the war into the American’s homes, showing the Americans all the realities of warfare. Many things were showed to the Americans. The coverage that the media showed to the Americans horrified them in many ways: wounded civilians, children who had lost their parents, many villages destroyed, search and destroy missions etc. The war was pointless in the American’s eyes and they thought that America had no right to impose its views on Vietnam. Napalm, a jellied gasoline, was used in the Vietnam as tactic for the Americans. As they drop Napalm onto Vietnam, it lures out the Vietcong from their hiding places due to the black smoke spreading from the explosion. But by doing that, the bomb killed many innocent villagers, children and women that had nothing to do with the war. Source A suggests that US used the air raid for chasing out the Vietcong that were hiding because it shows in the source that many Vietnamese Children are running away from the danger that the American troops are causing. Another way that the US army fought the war was the My Lai Massacre, which we shall refer to as Source D. The My Lai Massacre started on March 16th of 1968, many soldiers of Charlie Company, a unit of the 11th Infantry Brigade, arrived in My Lai in the northern part of South Vietnam on a “search-and-destroy” mission to root out the 48th

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