How Important Was President Johnson in Bringing About Civil Rights

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How important was President Johnson in bringing about civil rights? The civil rights movement was impacted by many people that are considered to be ‘important’. While President Johnson was important, there were others who are known to be more influential. President Johnson was important to the civil rights movement because of the laws he passed. He passed the civil rights act in 1964 and the voting rights act in 1965. This greatly impacted the lives of nearly all the African Americans in a good way. (1) (~13) President Johnson’s civil rights act was passed in 1964 and it outlawed any kind of racial injustice or segregation in schools, public places and employment. For many black Americans this was a huge achievement in the fight for equal rights. Johnson showed his commitment throughout his vice presidency and in his presidency to fight for equal rights. Source 2 shows what Johnson said about the whole civil right movement and it shows his commitment to the cause. When Kennedy died, he showed a determination to continue Kennedy’s work where he left off and not letting it fall through. The law help many black people, as Martin Luther King Jr said “The law cannot make a man love me but it can keep him from lynching me”. Now black Americans will have the law on their side if they are ever racially discriminated. (2) (3) Later, in 1965, President Johnson signed for the voting rights act. It was an act to enforce the fifteenth amendment. The fifteenth amendment is to let any American citizen to vote no matter what their race or colour. But while this was an amendment, it wasn’t a law. The law prevented any state to change any laws to do with voting before getting approval from the United States Attorney General. Source ~7 shows the percentage rise in black Americans registering to vote from 1940 to 1970; and it shows that in 1965, when the act was passed, the
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