Why Was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Passed

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Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed? The civil rights act was passed after a long battle. The idea of the 1964 act was already in place during Kennedy’s presidency. Johnson wanted to run for the presidency in 1964, he didn’t want to do anything that would offend the black or the liberal vote. As far as Johnsons voting record while in congress on civil rights, he shared similar attitudes with the south towards civil rights for black people. Johnson had a strong desire to become one of the greatest domestic Presidents in the history of the U. S. He believed that the U. S. could not be considered as the Great Society if it denied civil rights to American Negroes. Johnson believed that he owed it to Kennedy’s life to push this act forward. The passive approach to civil rights in the 50’s had now gone and the Northern ghettos were now moving more towards militancy. Johnson realised that society had changed in a short space of time of just a few years; he wanted change before civil unrest forced through. The march on Washington was a very significant factor to the civil rights act being passed; it showed the strength and support from both the media and the white Americans. The march on Washington drew a massive crowd of over 250,000 people and showed the height of the civil rights movement. It was the largest rally in the US up to that date and was an integrated campaign which demanded that the government enforced the laws equally to protect the citizens regardless of race or colour. As a result of the march, Martin Luther King and others met with president Kennedy at the white house and discussed their views on the issue of segregation. The event was described as the ‘catalyst for change’ as Kennedy could no longer ignore the movement and the support of the movement. It showed the unity of civil rights groups and their power within American society but it
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