John F. Kennedy’s “Civil Rights Address”

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John F. Kennedy’s “Civil Rights Address” "We preach freedom around the world…that this is the land of the free except for the Negroes." President Kennedy was describing our society when he addressed the nation after the controversial decision to admit two qualified Negroes into the University of Alabama in Birmingham. He said that the university should be place for all to have "equal chance to develop their talents." Kennedy's speech consisted of specific issues affecting the nation and its foundation of freedom. President Kennedy shows awareness of the current issue of segregation using imagery, appropriate language, and tone, which assures the public with compelling remarks that he appreciates those who are making a change and requiring the help of others to change the view of this nation. In Kennedy's speech, the repetitive use of "it ought to be possible" is an effective way to point out the different levels of freedom that restricted the average Negro citizen. With this phrase, it leads into the point that "every American should have the right to be treated as he would wish to be treated." From a different point of view, number phrases were also successful and effective in his speech. Kennedy included phrases such as one-half, one-third, twice as much, and half as much to indicate the chances of an average American Negro to complete certain obstacles equivalent to the average white American. The motivation for such number references is relevant and leads up to Kennedy's thought that "a time of domestic crisis men of good will and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics. Within the speech, Kennedy described this nation to be "founded on the principle that all men are created equal however this applied to everyone but Negroes in the community. Lincoln freed the slaves more than a hundred years ago, but to this day, the slaves'
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