How Imagrants Get Smugled

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Everyday people risk there life looking for a better way to live and to escape poverty from their own country. They seek a better life for them and their family to live the dream every one want to live without worrying about money or food for their family being able to buy their children clothes. Without dough people risk their life every day to reach that dream the dream. Many go looking for this dream but many stay in a dream. Many get smuggled I will tell you how they are smuggled and the consequences of being smuggled and most interesting why they choose to move to another country. There are many ways people get smuggled across borders every day. Some of the ways they get smuggled in is with a fake identity such as a green card, pass port and fake birth certificate and social security card. Others are forced to cross with drugs every day they do because they are forced if they don’t they will kill them or their family or both. For example Mexicans cross by tunnels under the border that are small and can sometimes claps on them and kill many. Others choose to walk across and jump over it but with harsh conditions many can die. People are smuggled from one countries to another every day some can be very safe others can have many dangers for example traffic accidents could happen how would they go to the hospital if they are undocumented they would get sent back to their state of birth. Another is they can get arrested and if it’s your first time then they will just send you back but if it’s your second you could face time in a prison for a couple of years in prison and that would be horrible because the reason they came over here is so they can send money back to their family but with them in prison their family could be suffering till the family member sending money gets out. Another danger is for example people crossing from Mexico have to cross a dessert

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