How Far Were the Divisions over the Continuation over the Nep Responsible for the Contest to Succeed Lenin in the Years 1924-1928

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How far were the divisions over the continuation over the NEP responsible for the contest to succeed Lenin in the years 1924- 1928? Divisions over the continuation of the NEP: • The party split into 2 sides- Behind Trotsky or Bukharin. • Bukharin wanted to keep the NEP- Felt it should continue for a while because it was providing food for the cities and work for the proletariat. Bukharin told the peasants to enrich themselves and buy goods to promote the USSR’s industry. He believed there should be a smychka (alliance) between peasants and workers (didn’t want to create differences between them.) • Trotsky wanted to abolish the NEP- Resented the fact that much of the USSR’s industry was under the direct control of the government. Hated the NEPMEN (traders who made large profits from the NEP.) Wanted to end the inequality between poor peasants and kulaks. Wanted to abolish private farms and introduce collective farming. (Any profits made by collective farms would be used to develop the USSR’s industry. • Stalin didn’t get involved in the debate over the NEP- this was a clever move because it meant be could win support both from those who backed Bukharin (‘right communists’) and those who back Trotsky (‘left communists’) Stalin as General Secretary: • Had complete control over the inner workings of the Communist party. • Used his position to promote his supporters and side-line his opponents. • Had access to secret files on party members that he received from the Cheka. • Used the ‘Lenin enrolment’ to create a large group of supporters – ‘Lenin enrolment’ increasing party membership, especially among the proletariat. Party membership nearly doubled from 1922-1925. Most new members weren’t interested in politics (they joined to improve personal prestige). These new members were grateful to Stalin, who supervise the ‘Lenin enrolment’ and they became his loyal
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