How Far Were Divisions Amongst Its Opponents Responsible for the Survival of Tsarist Rule in the Years 1881-1905?

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How far were divisions amongst its opponents responsible for the survival of Tsarist rule in the years 1881-1905? The autocratic rule of the Tsar had been tradition within Russia for many generations, but its popularity was often debated between the masses. Therefore, opposition to the Tsar and his autocratic rule was common, so the survival of a Tsarist reign was difficult to obtain, but after the 1905 revolution Nicholas was still in power. This is down to many factors, the first and what I consider the most important of which is the division amongst the opponents, but other factors did contribute such as the influence of the Okhrana, police and army, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Law. Despite opposition to the tsarist rule being illegal in Russia at this time, there were 3 significant parties which had one thing in common which was wanting to change the Tsarist regime. However their aims, methods and support bases were completely different. The first of the parties were the Liberals made up of a majority of middle class, these were the least radical, and their aim was to introduce parliamentary democracy similar to those in the USA, France and Great Britain. The second was the Social democrats, their support came from the working class and they based their party ideas on those of Karl Marx. Lastly, was the Social Revolutionaries, these were the most radical and whose support came from the peasants. They wanted to take the land from the Rich and distribute amongst the peasants. A consequence of the differences in the opposition was that they couldn’t agree on what ways to overthrow the Tsar , the social revolutionaries used terrorism and violence whereas liberals only wanted minor changes therefore such extremes were not needed. As a result the Tsar was able to continue his reign whilst the opposition continued to disagree on the future of Russia.
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