How Far Was The Russo-Japanese War And The 1905 Re

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How far was the Russo-Japanese War And the 1905 Revolution? During the ruin of Nicholas the 3rd Russia was suffering problems in aspects such as social turmoil, political obstacles and a rather large economic crisis as well as the Russo-Japanese .The Russo-Japanese War started in 1904 and ended in 1905, and happened because both Japan and Russia’s desire for expansion and control in Korea and Manchuria. Russia suffered many great failures in this war and was eventually debated by a nation that was considered inferior and was not one of the Great Powers aka Japan. This humiliated the people of Russia, and caused them to lose confidence in Tsar Nicholas II. So how far did the Russo-Japanese war responsible for the revelution of 1905? In this essay I will be exploring the events of 1904 to 1905 to determine the impacts that Russo-Japanese war had on the people of Russia and how it affected the Revolution of 1905 Large Numbers of military defeats were caused by the Russo-Japanese War; an example of such a defeat was in the Battle of Tsushima in May 1905. The Russian Baltic fleet consisting of the 35 warships had sailed from northern Europe to the Far East, only to lose 25 warships in a defeat by the Japanese navy. Another example of a great failure of the military was at the January 1905 when the army had to surrender their Port Arthur naval base in Northern China, which they had possessed before the start of the war. These events highlighted the weakness of the military and caused national humiliation, thus contributing to the outbreak of the 1905 Revolution. The crushing of Russian’s military added impetus to the 1905 Revolution, as it made the people of Russia aware of the weakness of their military and ashamed to be Russian. They were losing to a nation very few had heard of and it was embarrassing to the nation. The Russo-Japanese War produced economic
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