How Does the Writer Help the Reader to Get to Know Alison Hargreaves, the Climber?

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In this passage, the writer successfully helps the reader to know more about Alison Hargreaves by describing her difficult decision, the conditions on K2, and her ambitions. The writer also makes use of the opinion from her fellow climbers, her feelings about her family, and various language techniques. In the first paragraph, Alison’s difficult decision is described as the ‘toughest decision’ of her career, and she has failed in two summit bids. This shows that Alison is a fearless person as even she has failed so many times, she still hopes to try again. The writer uses ‘utterly torn’ to describe Alison, which shows that her moods are entangled, and show her desperate in facing the choice of whether to decide to stay with her family or continue chasing her dream. It makes the reader understand Alison. Alison Hargreaves wants to fulfill her dream of climbing K2, while she wants to be back with her children, which is a difficult decision for her. Also, ‘dinking endless cups of coffee’ shows that Alison is struggling with the problem again. Readers can know that Alison is facing a great decision in her life and she has unwavering commitment to both her family and climbing. The conditions on K2 also let the reader know more about Alison. K2 is towering 12,000 feet above, which makes readers think that it is impossible to climb up an extremely high mountain, a glacier. K2 is also ‘shrouded in grey’ and ‘wind-tosses clouds’. This description creates a dangerous and unclear atmosphere of K2. At that time, K2 was even ‘bitterly cold’ and raining. The above bad conditions have shown Alison’s toughness and courage, and readers can understand that Alison is a woman who has a tough character and will not give up easily. Also, when Alison is on K2, there are ‘hurricane-force winds’ and she can ‘stand no chance’. From this example, readers can know that Alison perseveres

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