How Does the Child’s Development in the First Three Years of Life Relate to the Prepared Environment?

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Having a positive and healthy childhood experience is significant in a child’s development. The first three years of a human’s life, what is referred to as the unconscious period of the Absorbent Mind by Dr. Montessori, is significant as it is the period that the individual is able to observe and take in information at an unconscious level. As such, it is essential to provide a child with a prepared environment, one that is encouraging and stimulating and one that will help them become dependent individuals. A Montessorian prepared environment should be functional and provide children with the necessary tools to succeed. This learning environment should be supportive to help the child develop well and take care of himself/ herself and do basic activities such as feeding, dressing oneself and using words to express needs and being able to walk. Ms. Montanaro stresses the importance of this unconscious period in Understanding the Human Beings when she says, “The period from 0 to 3 years of age is one in which the mind and body must reach a harmonious balance, because the entire subsequent life depends on the quality of this first phase of development” (1991, p. x). In the first three years of a human’s life, this sensitive period, also referred to as the first plane, there is a lot of potential, an unknown limit, for the child to absorb much information from their surroundings through the exploration of their senses and experiences. Through sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, a child can investigate and understand their environment and grow to their full potential. Accordingly, a prepared environment must provide opportunities for maximal growth through cognitive, physical, linguistic, emotional and social support in the first three of a child’s life. Cognitively, a newborn shows awareness through touch, sight and sound. By three months old, infants can
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