How Do Shakespeare and Browning Explore Love in Their Stories?

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In this essay I will be focusing on the assessment question, ‘Discuss the ways Shakespeare and Browning explore love in the texts you have studied.’ Overall there are different types of love; some may be obsession, love as pure passion, the effects of loosing a love and even negative actions as a result of love. These all link together to form a perfect play/poem. William Shakespeare is known to be the best and the greatest writers from the olden days till date, No poet has come near Shakespeare in originality, freshness, opulence, and boldness of imagery. He is a very talented poet and playwright. Romeo and Juliet is one of his most celebrated works. This play also remains to be the most preformed plays of all times. A tale about two lovers, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ traces their story till the point of their tragic deaths. The story has been used for numerous musicals and opera performances. Shakespeare wrote his masterpieces in the Elizabethan times. I will be writing the comparison points between Romeo and Juliet to The Laboratory, written by Robert Browning. Robert too is a well known, successful, English poet and has written some fantastic and famous poems, including The Laboratory which is now being used as a GCSE year 10 piece of work. He produced his work during the Victorian times. Comparing the Elizabethan times and Victorian times that Shakespeare and Browning wrote their poems/plays, I’ve noticed something in particular, they were very similar. In the Elizabethan times marriage was normally arranged and necessary for both men and women. Women who did not marry were considered witches by their neighbors and by their community. This links to Juliet forced to get married to Paris in ‘Romeo and Juliet.' In contrast, in the Victorian times, women were to get married to a man of the same or a better social status, be good wives, and be a mother to her
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