How Does Harper Lee Present Boo Radley and the Radley Family in Chapters 1-8 of to Kill a Mockingbird

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How does Harper Lee Present Boo Radley and the Radley family in Chapters 1-8 of ‘To Kill A Mockingbird?’ In Harper Lee’s novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ the Radleys are presented as people who have something to hide, as the ‘shutters and doors of the Radley house were closed on Sundays, another thing alien to Maycomb’s ways’, a statement which implies secrecy through the image of a family sealing themselves in their house and not letting anyone in, even on Sunday, which was typically the ‘formal visiting’ day in Maycomb. Also, the use of the word ‘Alien’ instantly suggests that there is something different and strange about the shutters and door being closed, and about the family overall. This adds to the impression that the Radleys have something to hide. Boo and the Radley family are also presented as creepy, almost ghost-like characters, especially Boo. Harper-Lee uses the words ‘Malevolent phantom’ to describe him creating a firm image in the readers mind of a ghostly, intimidating, almost evil man. By using this phrase, Lee encourages the reader to view Boo in a bad light and as a strange man who is real, but described as a mythical creature. Harper-Lee also shows the reader how the townspeople feel about the Radley family. Although Jem has neither met nor seen Boo, he is said to give a ‘reasonable description’ of him indicating to the reader that the rumours about the Radley family have been presented as fact. Also the description given includes so called ‘facts’ such as ‘his head was like a skull’ and ‘he dined on raw squirrels’, statements that are quite obviously distortions of the truth or rumours spread by the townspeople further proving how scared and suspicious the townspeople are of him, so much so that they would be led to believe such obvious fabrications. The Radley family are also presented as scary, shady characters, whom you would try to avoid

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