How Does Genesis Contradict Evolution?

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Doesn’t Genesis Contradict Evolution? Evolution is defined as “an unsupervised, impersonal, unpredictable, and natural process of temporal decent with genetic modification that is affected by natural selection, change, historical contingencies, and changing environments.” In simpler terms, evolution is the theory that living organisms developed and changed from earlier life forms. When breaking the definition of evolution down into key points, some of the most prominent words are “impersonal, changing, unsupervised and unstable”. The Bible has often been described as hopeful, truthful, and beautiful. Specifically, the book of Genesis in the Bible contradicts the definition of evolution for two main reasons; stability and purpose. The book of Genesis is firm in the belief of God. In Genesis 1:1 it is stated, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” From there, Genesis states that God also created light, the seas, animals, humans, and plants. All of these things were created in six days by the Lord God. According to Genesis, the universe and everything in it was created in an organized, stable way. The simple belief that a God created the universe is contradictory to evolution. Evolution states clearly that a single cell started to evolve without any kind of creator. God does not exist and had no part of creating this universe. Through time, cells evolved into more complex and specified things, creating the universe and everything in it. This theory is believed to have taken billions upon billions of years. Still, many questions can arise from evolution. For example, how could something so complex at the brain come from a random mutating process? Genesis answers in 1:27 by saying, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” This statement provides much more stability than
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