Summary of Genesis-Deuteronomy

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Reading Report #1 (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). Primeval Period (Genesis 1-11) Genesis Author: Moses Date: 1450-1410 B.C. (NIV 2) Purpose: Genesis lays the foundation for understanding the rest of the Bible. It highlights the relationship between God and His creation. It also gives us a very monotheistic view of God to oppose the idea of many gods or that there is no God. Clearly it is one God created here in Genesis. It also provides us with the beginning of redemptive history for mankind; he fall of man and his need for salvation (NIV 2-3). Summary: Genesis in its Greek meaning means “origins” and the Hebrew word is translated “In the Beginning (Marty 8). Genesis chapter one takes us through the beginning of the universe. God created the heavens and the earth, light and darkness, seas and skies, land and vegetation, the stars (including the sun and moon), all animals in the sea and on land, and His greatest creation; man. Man, However, was God’s only creation that created on His own creation. God placed the first man Adam in the garden to work and take care of the garden and the rest of God’s creation. The earth was perfect. God’s plan to work and take care of the garden and everything in it was merely a command for man to worship and obey God and to find rest in that purpose. Creation was good. After everything God creation He said it was good. However, God said, “It is not good for man to be alone” ( Gen 2:18). And so the Lord took a rib from the man Adam and from it formed the first woman, she was called Eve. “The man and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame” (Gen 2:25). They felt no shame because sin had not entered the world yet. The Lord gave man one command not to eat from the tree in the middle of the garden. However, the serpent “was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had

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