God wanted us to love him but also want us to fear him as well. Christians believe that God is the father of creation and Kings of Kings. Christians would explain the characteristics different because of the opinions and views that they have. As a Christian I view God as loving, mercy, and forgiving. He loves us just as much as he love his only son.
Christians believe that God created the world and all that is in it. It is believed that humanity is created in the image of God, and that God gave people free will therefore there is good and evil in the world. The Ten Commandments are guidelines received by Moses from God on how adherents can lead good lives. They should not be avoided in fear of punishment, but embraced as a way to be saved from The Fall, where humans make sinful choices. Adherents believe meaning can be found in their response to evil and suffering.
This evidence is consistent with Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Paul eluded to this when he said that God’s invisible qualities, eternal power, and divine nature is clearly seen, being understood by what has been made, so that men are without excuse (Rom.1:20). Therefore, we are to worship the Creator and not the creation (1:25). But fallen man do not give God the honor and glory for all the beauty and order He designed in His wonderful universe He created.
This story is an example of creatio ex nihilo. It shows how God created everything out of nothing. God is portrayed as being omnipotent because whatever he says basically happens. In the Bible, each time God made something, it would ‘God said’; this shows how powerful he is. Because he used to say it and it would just happen.
Christ passes all the trials with the aid of the word of God, “Jesus answered, 'It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4). In this case Gods word was his supernatural helper. After replying the devil with the word of God the devil then flees from him and he is then taken care of by Angeles. “Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him"(Matthew 4:11). The devil is testing Christ’s strength but he manages to pass the tests from the devil.
Mill would say that if God is omniscient then surely he is aware of our suffering and would therefore intervene in the evil as he loves us all. Yet God still allows our suffering to continue which suggests that God is not powerful (omnipotent) at all and cannot stop us or save us from this evil. Mill also believes that the natural disasters and natural problems within the human body such as curable or incurable cancers and diseases such as motor-neurone disease (causes of the body to shut down slowly) for example show faults in the design. These disaster show poor design but how can an all knowing
The issue that arises most commonly comes when all three of God’s characteristics are observed. As an omnibenevolent being, God, in theory, would not allow evil to plague the earth. One might assume God’s omnipotent nature would discount the existence of evil because he is able to stop it. Along with these, God’s omniscient powers would allow him to know of all of the evil. Therefore, believing God to encompass all of these traits would leave anyone in their right mind wondering how anything bad could ever happen in the world.
A) Explain Augustine’s theodicy (25marks) St Augustine (ad 354-430), both Augustine’s theodicy and his argument concerning evil were both originally based on the bible. Augustine himself had many beliefs, one of his main beliefs was that god had made the world and when making the world he had made it free from flaws. He believed very strongly that god is good, omnipotent and omniscience. As he believed for god to be these things he had a problem which was, if god is good and omnipotent and it was god that created the world why is there evil in the world? He solved this problem by saying that god is responsible for the evil in the world by defining evil as “privation”.
Tozer emphasizes the power of worshiping God. He criticizes a large number of Christians for their substitutes for worship. The reason for man’s existence is to worship God for how loving he is. What man does in the day must be somehow focused toward worshiping God in order to fill the role in his creation. Humans lack true worship for a few reasons.
Seen it this research world not to be ofanv immediate value or necessity and encourage it energetically. because it also expresses the most unselfish striving of humanity the desire to know a propem- ofHomo sapiens. Definition OfC.hristian Worldview Christian worldview is the biblical study of Christian should see, understand and interpret the world from the perspective of God. Christian should see the world as God sees it not as the world is. As the children of God f Christian) got born again and accepted Jesus as their Lord and personal savior, the word of God expected us to act, behave and think like our Heavenly father.