How Do Miracles Prove the Existence of God

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There are many ways how miracles can prove the existence of God the first being that they break the laws of nature. If they break the laws of nature then obviously nature couldn’t have caused it. This leads us to believe it could have been a higher power that we suggest might be God. An example of the laws of nature being broken is when Guru Nanak submerged underwater for three days and then returned completely unharmed and said he was with God. For the laws of nature to be broken it must be an omnipotent being that broke them. This means that they are all powerful and can do anything. Raising someone from the dead is seemingly impossible this means that the resurrection of Lazarus couldn’t have happened without divine intervention. If something unexpected happens you can’t just say that it was God. You could say it might be God but you can’t say it was for certain. To prove that the miracle was beyond reasonable doubt by God you would use a scientific method. If one miracle happens and people prayed for that exact thing to happen the sceptics could put it down to coincidence. However, if another miracle happens by the exact prayer that was prayed then this proves that God exists. If this keeps on happening these consecutive miracles can prove the existence of God. God is omnibenevolent. God is outside nature and miracles also happen outside nature. The fact the miracles like when a mother accidently let go of her pram in Melbourne and the pram overturned and saved the baby. This shows that an omnibenevolent divine being intervened and therefore there is a God. Lots of religions have miracles and all say it was a God this shows that there is one God and has equality across all religions. This leads us to believe that this God treats all religions the same and is all knowing across the whole world and therefore
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