How Do Families Influence Individuals

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How do Families influence individuals FUNCTIONALISM According to functionalists, an individual is given the best possible chance of success if he or she is raised in a traditional nuclear family. When a family consists of a breadwinner husband, a wife who maintains strong family relations, and their biological children, it conforms to the dominant set of values and norms in Western societies. As a result, the family performs its intended function within society and the children grow up to be happy, healthy, and well-adjusted individuals. Conversely, children who grow up in nontraditional households (for example divorced or single-parent homes) are more likely to participate in deviant behavior. Although functionalism died out in the 1960s and 1970s, many Americans still consider the nuclear family the ideal family type and use it as a bench- mark against which to measure nontraditional families.63 When researchers consider the impact of divorce on children,the educational attainment of children from single-parent families, or the behavior of adopted children in same-sex families, they also use children from nuclear families as a benchmark for comparison. CONFLICT THEORY Conflict theorists believe that individuals within a family are motivated to act in their own interests. Because these interests often differ from the interests of other family members, conflict becomes inevitable. Siblings fight over the TV remote control, husbands and wives compete for time with the children, and parents argue with their children about completing homework on time. Families are divided into hierarchies, with parents exerting power over children and men traditionally exerting power over their wives. These family hierarchies reflect wider inequalities in society in relation to race, class, and gender. Conflict theorists view conflict as an instrument for social change, in which
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