How Did The Population Grow During The 18th Century

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Bedford Academy High School Armand Parchment Mr. Terry A.P. World History February 11, 2012 Chapter Summary: Chapter 22 The population of Europe rose during the eighteenth century-slowly at first, faster after 1780, then at an even faster pace during the earl nineteenth century. The fastest growth took place in Wales and in England. Population there rose from 5.5 million in 1688 to 9 million in 1801 and 18 million by 1851-increases never before experienced in European history. The growth of population resulted from more reliable food supplies, thanks to the new crops that originated in the Americas and widespread resistance to disease. Better job opportunities and more dependable food supplies led people to marry at earlier ages and have more children. A high birthrate meant a large percentage of children within the general population.…show more content…
This is due to the peculiar role of Great Britain. Britain enjoyed a rising standard of living during the eighteenth century, in result of good harvests, booming overseas trade, and a growing population. Britain was the world’s leading exporter of clocks, tools, hardware, guns, and other craft goods. Its metal and mining industries employed engineers willing to experiment with different new ideas. It had the largest merchant marine and produced more ships, navigation instruments, and naval supplies than other countries. Until the mid-eighteenth century the British were better known for their cheap imitations of other products than for their innovations or quality products. However they put inventions into practice quicker than other people. Before 1790 Britain also had a more fluid society than the rest of Europe. The English royal court was less flamboyant, its aristocracy was less powerful, and the lines dividing the social classes were not as sharply drawn as in
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