How Did Society Change During The 17th And 18th Century

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Early Modern society during the 17th and 18 centuries can be considered as revolutionary in many ways. Early Modern society progressed scientifically, philosophically and politically in terms of ideas. Many people living during that time period considered the drastic change an era called the Enlightenment. There were many scientific, philosophic and political ideas of the 17th and 18th centuries that helped shape our world to what it is today. One advancement during the early modern word that was widely discussed was the scientific revolution. From the many inventions of Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galliei took interest in his telescope and enhanced it tremendously. Before Galileo’s time the European people had the highest respect for the Pope so therefore always listened to what the church said. Galileo said…show more content…
Luther played a major role in the reformation of the Catholic Church. When studying at the University if Wittenburg he read St. Pauls “Tower Experience” which made him believe he was reborn. Even as the chairman of biblical studies at the University of Wittenburg, “his inner life suffered.”(Luther, “Appeal to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation” in perspectives, P. 92). “Luther was beset by doubts about his own salvation, the result of a consciousness both of his own weakness and divine righteousness. Long study and meditation led him to a resolution that became the basis for his theology of justification. Salvation was the result of divine grace, freely given; the forgiven conscience could be at peace;” (Luther, “Appeal to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation” in perspectives, P. 92). With Luther openly speaking his mind about the beliefs of the church began a stir in the minds of people of the Early Modern
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