How Did John Locke's Influence On Government

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***NOT AN ESSAY AT ALL**** just letting u kno Jefferson was greatly influenced by one of the most popular thinkers of his time, John Locke, who believed in the "natural" rights of human beings. In 1698, much before the birth of Jefferson, Locke wrote in the second chapter of his famous Second Treatise on Government: "All men by nature are equal in that equal right that every man hath to his natural freedom, without being subjected to the will or authority of any other man; being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions." I would make the foregoing the cornerstone of my administration's policies and goals. The goal of energy independence could emerge as one the truly non-partisan…show more content…
We have the technical wherewithal and a historic can-do attitude that could lead to energy independence. If I were president I would use every ounce of prestige and influence to lead - and if necessary to force or shame - those divergent elements of our body politic and economy to shift gears now before America becomes just another supplicant subject to the whims of people who do not have our interests at heart. Besides, if the president cannot lead us in this direction, who can? Learn more about this author, Jerry Curtis. Click here to send this author comments or questions. Below are the top articles rated and ranked by Helium members on: If I were president of the US ... 1 of 61 by Elizabeth Picard If I were president of the the United States, there are many policies I would take immediate action to cease with the goal 2 of 61 by Nancy Seddens If, by some miracle, I were suddenly to find myself President of the United States, the first thing I would do would be 3 of 61 by Jerry Curtis If I were president of US, I would attack our country's number one problem: dependence on foreign energy resources. I would
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