How Democratic Was Britain by 1900

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Britain was quite democratic by 1900 as there had been many reforms to push Britain to a more democratic system. A key point in democracy is the right to vote, by 1900 more men were given the right to vote and voting was more confidential. A further key point in democracy is fair voting. Voting was made fairer by 1900. The 1872 secret voting act made voting more confidential. Choice is also a key point in democracy. The current two party system was undemocratic but in 1900 the labour representative committee gave more choice to voters. Access to information was improving because compulsory education was introduced and therefore more people could read the cheap newspapers that were distributed by the growing railway industry. Accountability was a key point in democracy because if an mp did something wrong, they could be voted out by the public. In 1900 the House of Lords were not accountable for their actions because they could veto any laws but they could not be voted in or out. Having the opportunity to become an mp is very key point of a democratic country. There was very little opportunity to become an mp by 1900 as mps were unpaid and only the rich could afford to become an mp. This was very undemocratic as anybody should be able to become an mp if they so desire. By 1900 not many people had the right to vote, this was undemocratic because everybody should have the vote to make the voting system fairer. The reform act of 1867 made Britain more democratic because it gave the franchise to every male householder living in a borough constituency. This made Britain more democratic because more men had the vote. This doubled the number of men who could vote. The third reform act gave the vote to even more men by giving the franchise to country workers. However by 1900 women still did not have the vote. This was undemocratic because women should be given the vote in
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