Individual Members Have Little or No Power, How Accurate Is This Statement?

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Individual members have little or no power, how accurate is this statement? (25marks). Some people believe that individual members are not important in party politics, as they have little or no power, but different party members have different responsibilities than others. In the Labour party the members, union and MP's can vote for the leader of the party, they all have 33% of the vote so they all have equal amount of power in that aspect of party politics. The election of the leader is very important part of political parties as people now vote more for a prime minster than governing party, for example conservative’s won over Labour because David Cameron was seen as more enthusiastic and inspirational then Gordon brown, where he was seen as dull and boring. This means individual members in Labour have a significant role and power in the party. However in the conservative the individual members don’t have as much power as the Labour members. The election of the party leader is different to the Labour party, the MP's select the two final candidates for leader through numerous votes, and the members only get to vote at the end of the process for party leader. This means that individual members don’t have the same amount of power than the MP's. Even though they don’t have the same amount of power then MP's and the Labour party members, yet they still have power to elect the final party leader. Labour party and liberal democrats members are also able to select a candidate for their local election (MP's). Firstly the candidate must be eligible to stand for the process of parliamentary candidates, and then the local party draws up a short list of hopeful party members. After the short list is drawn up party members from the particular constituency then vote for the MP they believe would be most suitable to represent their constituency. On the other hand in
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