Homosexuality in Jamaica

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Jonathan Fong Hong Professor Lepore General Sociology (SYG 2000) September 23, 2014 Homosexuality in Jamaica Homosexuality in Jamaica is seen as a taboo and it receives major negative sanctions within the Jamaican culture. Society in Jamaica exile homosexuals, they are severely frowned upon and deemed intolerably to society. Majority of the homosexuals are even exiled from their families to prevent the tarnishing of the family’s name. The major issue Jamaica faces with homosexuals is that the exile from society forces them to live a “street life” where they have to rob and steal to provide means to survive. This even portrays a more negative image for them to Jamaican homophobic society. In Jamaica Christianity is the most dominant religion on the island and the church impose a major negative sanction against homosexuality. Homosexuals in Jamaica are categorized as lower class citizens and the have to live inhospitable conditions. The relationship between homosexuals and the homophobic propose a dysfunction in society that results sometimes in violence. The Church in Jamaica has a major influence on how society functions and the way Jamaicans think also. Homosexuals are shunned from the church; they are reprimanded and severely bashed because they go against Jamaican Christianity beliefs. The church in Jamaica believes that homosexuality is wrong and it goes against what the bible teaches. The Holy Bible also plays a major role on how the mass of society thinks. It is applied in most situations where homosexuality is concerned for example Jamaica has an anti-sodomy laws that prohibits homosexual activity with in the State and it carries maximum sentence of ten years and minimal two years if seen in public committing homosexual acts. This law is depicted from the Bible from Leviticus 18:22 ‘You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is
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