Homosexuality And Religion

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| Homosexuality Through the Eyes of Christianity and Islam | Written By: | Duckens Saint Preux | | Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies Dr. Kristian Kahn Winter Session 2012 13 January 2012 | Homosexuality in religion has always been a controversial issue in many societies structured by religion and politics. Many believe that biblical fundamentalism and political conservatism are substantially more conflicting to the inspiration of homosexuality. Many varied heteronormative societies believe that religion plays an integral part in the way in which individuals in an economy structure their lives. In the article, Christians, Homosexuality, and the Same-Sex Marriage Question by John Zerilli, “Opposition to homosexuality, in whatever form it appears, indicates not so much a lower intelligence in the individual but participation in a consensus of opinion which represents a lower order of intelligence attained by civilized man” (Zerilli 32). He highlights the importance of uncovering one’s own personal perception of something or someone, rather than adhering to and supporting the majority’s. The connection between homosexuality and religion shows a significant discrepancy throughout history. Many religions across the population convey similarities and differences with respect to the topic of homosexuality. Christianity and Islam—two of the top religions—hold the majority of the population. Among these two, the perceived general philosophy towards homosexuality is mostly unenthusiastic. Because religion has a huge effect on the norms of a society, individuals’ perception is shifted to reflect the beliefs that are taught. This can be interpreted in the Bible and the Qur’an as dispiriting to the LGBT community. Some main topics that are prohibited would include same-sex marriages, same-sex acts, and the overall
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