For Woodrow Wilson, only a democratic republic could be a genuine nation-state. Wilson also argued that the nation-state is capable of upholding peace and international order because nation-states would naturally respect the sovereignty of their neighbours. Furthermore, conflict would cause disorder within, so there is an inward motivation as well. This belief in the natural peacefulness of nation-states leads liberal nationalists to the belief that internationalism and nationalism are compatible concepts. Internationalism is the theory or practice of politics based on global cooperation.
It also stressed the political role of the independent landowner and warned against the tendency of political power to encroach upon liberty. A republic demanded a virtuous citizenry and thus a high moral code to ensure continued freedom. The founders thought that luxury, factionalism, and other vices were ever-present dangers, seeds of destruction that lurked in the souls of their fellow citizens and within themselves. (1) Additionally, a man's investment in luxuries signaled to his fellow Americans that he might support the ideas of aristocracy and monarchy instead of republicanism. Therefore republicanism called for thriftiness, simplicity and plainness in all things, be it fashion or food.
BENTHAM developed the notion of democracy as a form protection for the individual into a case for universal suffrage. Utilitarian’s have argued that individuals will vote so as to advance or defend their interest. Bentham believed that universal suffrage is the only way of promoting the greatest happiness for the greatest number. However, liberals also have an ambivalent view of democracy. Liberalism places great stress on the protection of individual’s rights while democracy emphasise on collective control.
With the foundation of a federal government, that government can regulate and maintain both domestic and international trade without individual state interference, therefore making the United States one of the most important trading countries in the western world. This is only one possible explanation, another might be that they honestly did purely want to build a government for the people of the United States and by the people, which is supported by Paul Johnson’s writings. Other debates between intentions lie behind the injection of United States into the Vietnam conflict. Some historians say that the reason for our entrance into the conflict was to protect democracy and stop the spread of communism. Others say that the U.S. involvement wasn’t to protect democracy but to protect our economic interests in the nearby South Pacific and Middle East.
How did the founders adapt the ideal of civic virtue to the American republic? ● Madison adapted the definition of civic virtue to make it practical ● Self interest could lead to further the common good ○ Desire for fame lead him to practice civic virtue. ○ “If all the people were angels, there would be no need for government.” Madison… Favored a limited government ● Separation of powers ● A system of checks and balances ● This formed the “Republican”
The main arguments for federation were a united defence force, easier transportation and communication services and abolishing tariffs between colonies. However, independence was the main reason for federating. Many people believed that we needed to become independent from Great Britain as we already had the means to manage a country by ourselves. Separating from Great Britain also meant that we had to create our government and laws. An independent and federal government was thought to be stronger than separate colonial governments.
The democratic form of government is most familiar to the modern western citizen. However, there are many forms of communism and dictatorships which exist around the world today. The ancient philosopher Plato protests that a monarchist oligarchy, which calls upon an elite group for governance, is the best possible form of government. However, based on vagueness in terms and overgeneralizations Plato creates a flaw in his argument and weakens its validity. Through the elimination of social class systems and based on the separation between Government and economy it may be seen that the platonic ‘drone’ will not lead to tyranny.
Mary called attention to that, majority rules system must be accomplished if individuals are given the force and power to choose their pioneers through a law based procedure (Taylor, & Knott, 2007). Mary encourages for a republicanism type of administration instead of an absolutist nobility type of administration in her vindications titled "vindications for right of men" (Taylor, & Knott, 2007). Mary kept on expressing that, a law based type of authority would improve the "rising white collar class philosophy instead of the social indecencies that were being pushed by the blue-blooded type of administration. She pushed for financial and social advancement instead of depending on convention and tradition (Coffee, 2012). Mary contended to, female’s requirement to get instruction that was equivalent to their status in the general public in her article titled "the vindication of the right of ladies" (Frazer, 2008).
Machiavelli yearns to create a republic comprised of citizens who are politically active creatures who in the formation of collective policy transform their own selfish and egoistic needs, interests and concerns into a common good; a common good that is not indicative of a genera will of a flock of sheep but is instead a manifestation of a republican state populated by individual autonomous citizens. A state that could take strong and cohesive political action in response to the threats of outside forces. Machievelli’s other well known work, The Discourses on Rome is a study of how republics arise, develop, sustain and, if necessary, re-invent themselves. This book, The Prince is a treatise on the acts and duties of a class of men, Princes or sovereign powers from which the person responsible for ultimately founding a republic will emerge. For me, the key place to start in attempting to make sense of Machievelli, of thinking through how a participatory politics can possibly coexist with appeals to treachery and violence is with the following quote: “Fortune is a woman and if she is to be submissive it is necessary to beat and coerce her.
People once thought that the greatest obstacles to individual freedom and equality were political. They believed they could preserve freedom simply by changing the form of government from a monarchy to a republic. They claimed that the government that governs least governs the best. But in time, many persons became convinced that some government regulations of society and the economy were necessary to preserve personal freedom and equality, as well as to improve the welfare of the nation. In today’s democracies, the government plays an active role in removing inequalities and promoting freedom for all.