Hiccups Essay

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Introduction: I. How many times have you seen this in the movies and on TV? The “drunk,” slumped on his barstool, telling his sad story to the bartender or anyone listening. And every other word is disrupted with an involuntary spasm of the shoulders and a short, squeaking noise—a hiccup. II. Hiccups are something that I will say I get all the time. III. If you have had hiccups then you know just how annoying they can be. IV. Hiccups are really kind of a mysterious thing that happen to people A. Ever wonder why we get the hiccups? B. Are they really associated with alcohol use? C. And what are some of the methods that actually stop hiccups. Body: I. Sometimes the diaphragm becomes irritated. When this happens, it pulls down in a jerky way, which makes you suck air into your throat suddenly. When the air rushing in it hits your voice box, your vocal cords close suddenly and you're left with a big hiccup. A. There are many things that can cause hiccups to occur 1. eating much quickly 2. Swallowing too much air. 3. change in body temp 4. Emotional stress or excitement 5. smoking (Transition: we know causes of hiccups; let's learn if hiccups are associated with alcohol use?) II. We are all wondering can hiccups really be associated with alcohol use. A. yes 1. As stated by Dr. Valentin Drezaliu "Alcohol, especially hard liqueur is an irritating agent. It irritates your stomach, esophagus. The nerves that make you hiccup are very close to the esophagus, so irritating the esophagus irritates these nerves which make your diaphragm muscle contract causing a hiccup." (Transition: Although get from alcohol and not from alcohol, So how do we get rid of them?) III. heard method, some that really work A. scare you.
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