Heroic Qualities Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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Brian R. Newsom Professor May Chang LITR 201 17-May-2012 Odysseus In today’s miscellaneous civilization, everyone has their view of what a hero is and there are all different views from one person to another. On the other hand, throughout the time period of Homer’s story The Odyssey was fashioned that all heroes that have the same character throughout. Today you see that heroes always are the people who will save people from any trouble they are in no matter what even if there are daring, intelligent or had aggressive spirit in them. Odysseus is the only main character in Homer’s story, Odysseus is intelligent, courageous and a very great thinker even though Odysseus has all of these qualities Odysseus does still have negative qualities most of these qualities still do hold true to this today and will forever Odysseus have many heroic qualities but these are ones that stick out such as courageousness, knowledge, a tactical thinker and is very honorable. A majority of the Homer’s story about The Odyssey is told first person by Odysseus himself, so we will see everything from Odysseus point of view that Odysseus is smooth-spoken. During…show more content…
Odysseus is no way any god or faultless man but just a man that just wants to be perfect. Odysseus negative views are not liked but they make Odysseus positive points look very strong. Is Odysseus some kind of god or is Odysseus a perfect man that keeps his positive views would not be real exceptional nor great they would be just views for people to listen to. When Odysseus weak points get him into problems Odysseus always uses his strong points to free him from that problem. Take a look at this example when his recklessness action with the Cyclops in the cave could have destroyed him and all his friends were going to die, his courageousness and intelligent approach were capable to save nearly all of them without any problems at

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