Henry Clay's American System Analysis

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The French and Indian War resulted from ongoing tensions in North America as both French and British as well as the colonists attempted to extend each country’s territory. The war pitted France, French colonists, and their Native allies against Great Britain, the Anglo-American colonists and the Iroquois Confederacy. Before the outbreak of war, the British controlled the 13 colonies up to the Appalachian Mountains, but beyond that was New France, a very large and not so settled colony that stretched from Louisiana through the Mississippi Valley and up to the Great Lakes into Canada. The border between French and British territories was not very well defined, and one of the disputed territories was the upper Ohio River valley. The French built…show more content…
Henry Clay had a vision of what America should be. This vision has since been termed as Clay’s American System. Henry Clay's American System helped to promote national unity in several ways. The most important way clay's American System brought unity was to stop a potential Civil War by proposals which were included in the Compromise of 1850. This Compromise allowed California to become a state, gave Southern states specific slave rights, and organized many disputed territories. Clay spoke out against secession and warned that Civil War was imminent if states should choose to secede. Clay’s System consisted of three mutually reinforcing parts; a tariff to protect and promote American industry; a national bank to foster commerce; and federal subsidies for roads, canals, and other internal improvements to develop profitable markets for agriculture. James Monroe was also one who believed that internal change was necessary. He believed that the US needed an improved infrastructure, including a transportation network to grow and thrive economically. However, he did not think that the Constitution said anything about the authority to build, maintain, and operate a national transportation system. Therefore, he urged Congress to introduce a constitutional amendment granting this power. Despite his attempts, Congress never acted on his suggestion because many legislators thought this power was already implied and to them it seemed redundant to grant his demands. Congress passed a bill in 1822 to repair the Cumberland Road and equip it with a toll system. This great national road ran from Cumberland, Maryland, to the town of Wheeling in western Virginia. In 1824, President James Monroe signed an internal improvements bill that allocated money for surveys and estimates for proposed roads and in 1825, he signed a bill that
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