Helmet Awareness Essay

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Assignment 1: Helmet Awareness Leona Wiens Northern Lakes College, La Crete NFDN 2006: Nursing’s Foundation: Community Nursing Instructor: Taralynn Lyons February 8th, 2013 Helmet Awareness Introduction In the community of La Crete, Alberta there is a group of people that are at risk for injury/death due to not wearing helmets; that group belongs to the youth and teenagers. In the community of La Crete, the population to be served is around 2500-3000 people. The health concern is not being met because people of La Crete are not being educated about safety prevention. Program Logic Model for Helmet Safety Program Goal | To decrease incidence and severity of all-terrain vehicle–related head injuries and death in La Crete | | Target Group(s) | Youth age 8-12 and Teenagers age 13-18 | Parents | Components | School-based education and community-based education | School-based education and community-based education | Long-Term Outcome Objective | * To increase 100% helmet use among youth and teenagers in La Crete * Reduce injuries related to participating with ATV, bike, motor vehicles | To increase 100% helmet use among youth and teenagers | Short-Term Outcome Objectives | * To increase 50% of youth and teenagers who have knowledge about role of helmets in head injury prevention * To increase 50% of youth and teenagers who demonstrate correct skills in i) selecting helmets ii) wearing helmets * To increase 50% of youth and teenagers who have increased positive views of personal use of helmets * Increased knowledge, attitudes acknowledging one’s own responsibility to prevent injuries * Increased youth and teenager mastery and safe handling of ATV, bike, driving, sports and recreational vehicles | To Increase 50% of parents who intend to purchase helmets for their children | Process Objectives | * To provide

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