Health and Social Care Diploma Level 3

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Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Outcome 1: Know how to recognise signs of abuse. Physical abuse is the deliberate use of physical force that results in injury, pain or impairment. Sexual abuse is when there is direct or indirect involvement in sexual activity without consent. This not only includes forcing someone into sexual activity without consent but may include personal and sexual relationships between and individual and person of trust. Emotional /psychological abuse is someone’s behaviour towards an individual impinges on the individual’s emotional health and development. Financial abuse is the unauthorised or improper use of an individual’s funds, property or any of the individual’s possessions. Institutional abuse is when the lifestyle of an individual is disregarded in favour of the routines of the home or care setting. Self-neglect is when an individual disregards their own basic needs. Neglect by others is the repeated denial or failure to provide assistance that the individual requires. Sign/symptoms of above: Physical abuse: Unexplained injuries e.g. bruising, burns, these would likely be reoccurring; fear of medical help; aggression towards others; fear of physical contact. Sexual abuse: Personal changes, e.g. insecurity or clinging; sudden loss of appetite or compulsive eating; being withdrawn/isolating themselves; inability to concentrate, lack of trust/fear f someone the individual knows well; medical conditions, e.g. chronic itching, pain in the genitals, sexual diseases; depression; becoming worried about removal of clothing. Emotional abuse: Physical, emotional and emotional development delays; continual self-criticism; overreaction to mistakes; fear of new situations; neurotic behaviour, e.g. rocking, self-harm. Financial abuse: sudden loss of assets; unusual financial transactions;
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