Head Start Case Study

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Head Start: Federal Budget Cuts Harold Pickens, a 5-year old boy in his second and final year at Head Start, excitedly runs to his mom when she enters his classroom to pick him up. “I graduated from Head Start, Mom! And now I am all ready for KINDERGARTEN!” And indeed he was. Harold became a student at Head Start in Cheyenne, Wyoming when he was 3 years old. When he started the program he was slightly behind in some areas for his age group, but when he finished the program in 2012, Harold was exceeding expectations for children his age, and passed his prescreening for Kindergarten in flying colors. Unfortunately for children like Harold who need preparation for beginning elementary school, the federal government is considering cutting the…show more content…
An evaluation in 2005 of early studies of the Head Start Program that was conducted by Dr. W. Steven Barnett and Dr. Jason T. Hustedt, both members of the National Institute for Early Education Research, indicated that Head Start is an effective program (New York Times, 2012). Their evaluation found that while I.Q. gains may diminish over time, subject matter is more likely to be retained, and high school graduation rates were shown to increase. Also, a study undertaken by Sherri Oden, Lawrence Schweinhart, and David Weikart found impressive effects on future school success for those students who attended the Head Start Program, and showed that Head Start attendees were 10% less likely to be arrested for crimes (High Scope,…show more content…
(2012). National Head Start Association. Retrieved from http://www.nhsa.org/files/static_page_files/399E0881-1D09-3519-AD56452FC44941C3/BenefitsofHSandEHS.pdf High Scope. (2012). Head Start Research--Long Term Benefits. Retrieved from http://www.highscope.org/Content.asp?ContentId=260 New York Times. (2012). Head Start Fears Impact of Potential Budget Cuts. Retrieved from

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